Life at home
“You never know what events are going to transpire to get you home.”
Once I was told I wouldn’t be going back to work back in March I knew that I would need a plan to stay sane not just watch tv all day. Surprisingly I haven’t watch a whole lot of tv because I’ve had enough podcast to listen to and trying to be creative myself I didn’t want my creativity not to happen because of me watching something.
My days of consisted it of either taking or editing photos(a couple of them have included both) lots of eating, walking, eating some more, and then blogging about whatever I can think of. I have been watching YouTube a lot for tutorials and one particular vlog by Peter McKinnon(click here for post about him.) It’s nice to be able to see the process of different creatives and see what I can do to with the techniques they use.
I haven’t spent this much time not around other people ever. I have days where it’s not hard at all and then others where I wish I just could get a hug from someone. I love hugs and wish so badly I could get one right about now. Thank God for technology to be able to connect with people because I think other wise I would have gone completely insane without it. I still feel forgotten because most people I know are living in the house with other people.
At the time that I’m writing this we are supposed to stay home until April 30, 2020 which still seems way to far off for my liking. I’m hoping that it won’t last too much longer after the 30th. I don’t think we will going about our business on May 1st but I’m hoping it won’t be pushed until sometime in June. Whenever it is I hope to see you in the real world quite soon.