Earth Day 2020

Earth Day should encourage us to reflect on what we are doing to make our planet a more sustainable and livable place.
— Scott Peters

I feel closest to God when one of two things happen, when I’m being creative and/or being outdoor in nature. I’ve come to realize in recent years that I’m not doing my part to take care of the planet. I don’t think we should put the Earth in the place of God’s but I know he also calls us to take care of it. 

I’m on the email mailing list for the Lincoln Park Zoo and their most email included a post to their blog. They were talking about Joe Exotic from the Netflix series Tiger King and the fact that he had 4 chimpanzees. The person writing the blog() was creating a census to see how many chimpanzees are owned by private owners. The chimpanzees were not well taken care of because two of them died while in Joe Exotic care and the other two ended up at a chimpanzee sanctuary in Florida. Watching animals going extinct breaks my heart. I love animals and thought for a hot minute when I was a kid about coming to a zookeeper. I struggle with science so I don’t think it would have been possible but I want to find ways to take care of animals in the best way that I can.


The mistreatment of animals and nature makes me angry, the blood boil kind of angry. When trash is all over the ocean and when an animal is drugged so tourist can take a photo with it for the gram just makes me want to scream. It makes me want to yell at people(which is very unlike me) and just sulk about it at the same time. I end up just sulk about it and shoving down my anger and nothing gets done about it. I want to change that and actually do what I can do to change what’s happening on this planet. 


I know I haven’t done my part to take care of the planet. I use straws when I’m at restaurants and plastic bags and create trash that goes into landfills and into the oceans. I want to do and be better for the planet God created. It’s a beautiful place and I would love to leave it better than I found it. I did a quick Google search and found 25 ways to do my part. I have listed them below. 


1Reusable Bags


3Use Less Electricity

4Use less Water

5Use More Public transportation when I can

6Combine errands

7Shop virtually

8Record your trips

9Learn to love leftovers

10Take food home from parents home when offered and at restaurants 

11Forego the plastic silverware 

12Go to the Farmers Market 

13Dine locally

14Use reusable cups 

15Using Less Paper products 

16Slow down while driving 

17Buy and use a used bike

18Only flush toilets if really needed

19Using my platform to share about taking care of the earth 

20Use my talents and time to help organizations 

21Turn the faucet off when washing dishes and brushing my teeth

22Shorter Showers 

23Use Cruise Control while on the high way 

24Use e-Tickets

25Download Software


Maternity Shoot


One Stained Glass Window Photo