Why Filmmaking?
“Every single art form is involved in film, in a way.”
There are several reasons I want to go into filmmaking. I love stories and I think the best way I tell them is visually. I’m currently better at telling a story through photos than videos right now. I’m hoping with work and time I’ll get better at video. I think the last year with film school as shown I will improve. Making movies is something I would be doing even if I wasn’t doing it for a job. While growing up my siblings and I would make little movies. When I got my own MacBook I would make videos on iMovie. I think my strength in storytelling is capturing what is happening in front of me. I want to be able to share the stories of the people, places, animals. I crave a job that isn’t boring and where each day is different. I want to be able to be a part of a team that works together to make a project that one of us couldn’t do on our own.