Sisk Studios-Chicago Based Content Creator

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Lighthouses of Michigan: A Project

I’ve been in a creative drought lately and was trying to figure out a way out of it. While I was at my family’s lake house in Michigan. I was up there early in October and wanted to take photos but wasn’t sure of what. I knew that there was a lighthouse close by and decided to do a project with them but I didn’t know that there were 129 lighthouses still standing. It’s going to be a long term project to capture all of them. I’m a bit overwhelmed by the project but I think once I come up with a plan it will less so. On the other hand I’m excited to have a project to work on when I need to be creative. I use creativity to get out of myself and remind me about the world outside world and to see all of its beauty.

My dream for the project is to have enough photos for a book and to be able to capture enough footage so each lighthouse has its own video. For some of the photos and video I’m picturing I need my drone which is currently being fit because I had a crash.

The photos with this most may or may not be in the book because I didn’t have my drone so I want to go back with my drone to capture the photos and videos I have in my head. There were also some shots I couldn’t get because I didn’t have access to the walkway to be able to get different angles and detail shots. The day I went, the wind was super strong so I wound’t of been able to get the shots I wanted.