Exploring the Heart of Chicago: Montrose Beach

Chicago is my hometown and will always have a special place in my heart.
— Kenneth Choi

Montrose Beach is a 3 mile beach located in the Lincoln Park neighborhood. I personally haven’t been to beach, at least not that I’m aware that has a bird sanctuary among dunes and a dog beach. It has a harbor and beacons for boats getting to and from Lake Michigan. A couple of restaurants and a concessions stand have views of the beach and water. There is places to rent Jetski’s. When I have been the Jetski’s where’t ready to rent yet and the beach wasn’t crowded. So the beach looked big but I imagine in peak season its packed. Like most everywhere else in Chicago, you have to pay for parking so be prepared for that. If you want more information you can go to the their website by clicking here.

I heard about this beach from a friend and the first time I went it was cold and grey winter day. I didn’t get much in terms of photos and videos that day, at least not anything I really loved. It helped me get excited to go back. I remember walking a path and turned the corner and saw the skyline and just thinking it was so cool. I felt like I was in a movie. I remember wishing the day wasn’t so gloomy so I could get better shots and was bummed that I couldn’t make it work. I decided to make this one the first places I went to because I could fly my drone here. I will expand to the parts of the city that I can’t but I wanted to start with places that would let me fly.

There is a walkway that has a tower on it.  I’m not quite sure why the tower or walkway are there but I had a blast flying my drone around it. It was fun being out on lake Michigan with out I love how a couple of the photos came out and proud of how the videos came out. It was one of the first times I knew I got something good while I was still at a spot. It can be hard sometimes to tell on my phone(the screen I use for flying my drone) or the small screen on the back of my camera to see if I got is good.

I found out on my of my trips there to be carful because the bird sanctuary has uncommon birds nesting. In the bird sanctuary area there are walking paths but when the birds were nesting they were blocked off for their safety. So if you decide to fly your drone here, please be away of were the birds are nesting and try not to fly your drone that way.

I edited the clips I together from my drone. It’s been fun learning and improving my drone skills in the beauty of Chicago. I’m looking forward to go back when my skill have improved and see how I capture it differently. Which clip is your favorite?

Video clips edited together taken from a DJI Mavic Air 2.

I haven’t spent a whole lot of time at Chicago beaches but I see myself spending more time at this one. Even if I don’t swim here I see myself visiting her for it’s beauty and for people watching. Montrose is a beautiful place to get away within the city limits and see the beauty of the skyline.


Opening Up the Possibilities: Opening Up a Store


Exploring the Heart of Chicago: A Visual Journey