Sisk Studios-Chicago Based Content Creator

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Editing Magic: Cabbage

I took this photo in the fall of 2021. It had either just rained or the flowers in the garden had just been watered. I can’t remember which now. On this particular day, I was drawn to the cabbage and its color and the droplets on them. When I look at the photo now before I cropped it I don’t know what I really going for. I’ve gotten into the habit of leaving photos on my camera even if I am convinced I don’t like it. I have found with playing around with editing a bit I quite like them. It doesn’t always happen that way but photos like this wouldn’t exist if I deleted them. I first cropped it and after that, I started my editing process of dehaze, exposure, shadows, contrast, white balance, highlight, white, black, clarity, and saturation. I started playing with the colors after that and I began playing with purple, pink, and dark blue. I didn’t mess with any of the other colors this time and didn’t feel the need to. I move the sliders a bit but it didn’t add to the photo so I just left them in the center. I love how the focus is on the water droplets.