Documenting The Ordinary

Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.
— Dorothea Lange

Fire and Snow

When I look back on photos I love being reminded of what day-to-day life looked like. I forget about articles of clothing I had or a haircut or a piece of furniture. Something I have gotten a little better at but I definitely want to be more consistent on is documenting the little things that seem boring, mundane, and a part of my every day. I’ve come to realize that what is a day-to-day now won’t be a year from now. I’ve might know it somewhere in my mind be for this global pandemic but it’s been something that I’m realizing going back through photos from the beginning of lockdown. The remainder of what I was doing and creating in those days, even though they were tough, helps my memories of what was ordinary during that time in my life. I would encourage you to document more of the things that seem mundane now because months and years from now it won’t be as clear as it is today. For me, documenting comes in the form of photos and videos but for you, it might be something entirely different. Maybe words are more your thing, try a one-sentence journal. It’s something that you can do at the end of the day that will encompass what is happening but won’t take a lot of time or energy. One of the apps I have is 1 Second Everyday, and it will help comply with videos, but you can use photos, into a longer video. The one second helps with remembering what was happening on a day to day in my life and watching it back I somethings forgot things that happened and it brings back memories. Do you document ordinary moments? If so how do you do it?

Me looking out the window


A little bit about Me


Photo Editing Magic