Before and After: Bridge at Fall

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
— Jim Rohn

I love looking at before and afters because I love seeing the creative process and how they got there. I find it inspiring to go create and it makes me want to figure how I would capture what I’ve seen. It gives me ideas for different techniques I can use on photos I’ve already taken and for further ones.

For this photo, I exposed the bridge but it’s still overexposed. This was the case for most of the photos I took that day. I didn’t fully realize this until I got the photos in on my computer. Thankfully I didn’t have it so overexposed that adjusting the exposure and highlights couldn’t fix it. I first adjusted the exposure and then moved on to the contrast and saturation a little bit and then continued to the highlights. I had to change the highlights a lot to get the sky to look like this. I then had to bring up the shadows and the blacks to get the bridge and trees to look brighter. I finished off by adding a bit of clarity and then I finished. I think it ended up being a huge change from the original. What’s your favorite part of the photo?


Single Photo: Serious Photo of Me


52 Frames Update