One Jester Photo
“I like to be the jester - he is the only one the king doesn’t question.”
Jesters are Renaissance entertainers for noble people and this stature is near the entrance of the Bristol Renaissance Faire. I love how the jester is inviting and is ready to fulfill your need to be entertained. I can act like a jester at times which might be why I like this gentleman. I wish I could have gotten some height so I was a bit more eye level with him but with me being barley five feet and two inches and I didn’t have anything to stand on it wasn’t going to be possible. I also find that the umbrellas around his knees in the background distracting. I didn’t notice it until I started writing this blog post. I might play around with this photo and see if I can take them out and see what it would like it. What do you think of this guy?