Look Deep
“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”
I want to give a shot out to the Dupage Forest Preserve because the preserves have given me a place to get out in nature for the last 20 years or so. These paths have seen so many different versions of me and these places were my sanctuary. I’ve had many conversations with God on those paths. I have taken countless photos with many different cameras. I know I wouldn’t be the human or photographer without being able to get out on these paths. I’m sure I would have found other nature spots to go to but having so many with easy access and each forest preserve having different things to offer. The more I think about it I’m certain I wouldn’t be the photographer I am today without these places to have subjects to photography that didn’t mind me practicing with them. I’m grateful to be able to learn my craft and gain the confidence to tell stories I’m telling now. I love photography and thinking about not doing it is like a sucker punch to the heart and I feel the same way about not being able to go out in nature. I think that is why I love Dupage Forest Preserve so much. Thank all for who keeps the Dupage Forest Preserve running. Words fail on how much I’m grateful for these places.