Making Changes
"Eliminate the mindset of can't — because you can do anything."
Tony Horton
One of the things I wanted to do this year was change habits to help with my health. I'm doing things like fasting, going for daily walks and changing what I'm eating.
I've been fasting for long periods of time. I usually fast for 16 hours and have 8 hours in which I can eat. There are days that I do longer and then there are days that I don't meet the 16 hour goal. I find that the fasting helps me listen to when I'm actually hungry and when I'm thrity. It helps me drink more water and not eat because I'm bored or I'm emotially eating.
Since January 12,2020 I have walked every day for about 30 minutes. I have an Apple Watch that has three rings that I try and close every day. The standing one is the only one I hadn't complete since 1/12.
I have cut out soda out of my diet. I haven't had one since 1/2. I've been tempted to drink it but I'm fine with water but I'm still need to drink more of it. I'm still working changing what I eat but I'm eating less carbs which has helped me loose weight and feel better.