Adventure to the Farm
The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.
Oprah Winfrey
I've gone to Kline Creek Farm before but I decided to go in the middle of winter, which I don't always do. One of things I wanted to do this year was to go on an adventure every month. That can basicly be waterver I want it to be. I didn't want to spend any money so I was trying to figure out what I was going to do. So I ended up at Kline Creek Farm.
There are 3 cats on the farm and I had two of them of follow me around the farm for a little bit. I walked to visit with the cows and the cows were trying to be the cats friends but the cats were not having it. They were only really wanting to hang out with me. I squated down to get a shot of the cows and one of the cats decided to climb on me and ended up on my shoulders. Once that happened I wasn't sure what do to with the cat on my shoulders and how to get it off. I walked over to the fence and thankfully it climbed on to it. It was a funny moment and I guess that cats just needed a little attention.
I walked around a little bit more. The path was a bit icy and I was getting cold and I had to get dinner before going to spend time with friends. I wasn't sure what kind of shots I would got but I'm proud of what I got. I would love to know what kind of adventure I should go on and which of the photos is your favorite. What is a funny or intersting interaction you have had with a aniaml?