Getting Healthy
"I am of a healthy long lived race, and our minds improve with age."
William Butler Yeats
I’m going to change what and how I eat. I’ve done this before last year and the year before but didn’t keep up with. I’m going to start making small changes from now until the new year and then start in full force starting 1/1/2020. I’m going to start intermitting fasting and start eating low carb and cut out processed sugar.
I LOVE carbs so going low carb is going to cut out bread out of my life. Currently most of my diet is made up of sometime of carb. I find as I get older my body isn’t processing the food like it once was. I hope with reducing my carbs I will be able to loose weight. When I have cut out carbs before it has helped me loose weight but I didn’t have enough meals I liked to sustain eating this way. My mom eats low carb so she has cookbooks and websites that have recipes that I can try. I would love to know if you have any ideas for recipes.
My favorite processed sugar right now is carbonated beverages. I drink WAY TO MUCH of them. It’s rare when I go a day without one. I love the tasty sweetness of them. I’m addicted to the sugar. I would love to hear tricks to getting through sugar withdrawal. I’m going to slowly start cutting them out because I don’t think going cold turkey is going to work as well. I’m not looking forward to the withdrawal and the way it’s going to effect my sleep.
I’ve found that fasting gives my body time to process the food I’ve eaten and it helps me not to just mindless eat all the food that is near me. I started to this Thanksgiving Eve until the Thanksgiving Feast. I’ve been doing this off and on for a while and I’m going to do this a bit more consistently. I often start after dinner and then wait to eat until lunch or sometimes even longer. I’ve done a couple 24 hour fasts before. For me it’s not hard if I’m keeping busy or if I’m not trying to emotionally eat. I find that I enjoy the food I eat more and I’m not just eating because I think I should and actually eat because I’m hungry.
I’ve decided to make this change because I want to extend my life and my quality of life. I have things I want to do and I don’t want my health to get in my way. I want to travel and to things that require the ability to get around on my own and if I don’t take care of myself it’s not going to happen. I would love to hear your tips and tricks that you use.